What foundation data is shared with HR.net?

ADP Freedom foundation payroll data is shared with HR.net if the Automatically Sync Foundation Data option is set on the Client HR Setup form.

When the data is shared, any changes made to the foundation details in ADP freedom are automatically replicated in HR.net (although not vice versa). In addition, new data items added in ADP Freedom are automatically added in HR.net any data items deleted from ADP Freedom are deleted from HR.net.

The payroll foundation data includes the following data types:

Business Units

Cost Centre


Payroll Company Earnings

Payroll Company Deductions

Pension Scheme

Pension Scheme Deductions

Pay Group

Pay Calendar

Pay Group Earnings

Pay Group Deductions



Shift Patterns

Click on a data type to learn more about the data transfer between the two applications.

Note that there is not always a simple one to one transfer of data between the two applications. Some HR.net objects require details from more than one form in Freedom.

See What Freedom forms contain foundation data? for a list of the Freedom forms that contain foundation data shared with HR.net.