What data items are shared with ezLaborManager

The following employee details are shared with ezLaborManager which means that any changes made to these details in ADP freedom are automatically applied to the corresponding employee in ezLaborManager (although not vice versa).


Employee attribute


Employee Code

Equates to ezLaborManager Employee ID

Employee Last name


Employee First name


Employee Start date

Start of employment- ezLaborManager Hire date

Cost Centre

Cost Centre of primary Appointment which equates to the Labor Charge Cost Centre field in ezLaborManager

Basic rate of pay (hourly)

Base rate from primary Appointment. This is optionally shared according to the Set Up choice.

Email address

Employee’s work email address

Emergency contact details

Primary emergency contact’s name and telephone number

Termination date

End of employment


Note: In addition, the ADP freedom Employment Status (although not technically a shared data item) is used in conjunction with ezLaborManager to identify whether the employee Active or Inactive in ezLaborManager.